The Kingdompreneur Moment Live Show REAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS in  REAL TIME
Today’s Topic: What to Do When You Fall Short In Business
  • Have you ever missed it?
  • Have you ever fallen short?
  • Have you ever missed it in your communication in a business meeting or in the initial stage of meeting someone for the first time?
  • Have you ever wondered what to do when you miss it? Especially as a Confident Woman
Show Notes & Tips
  • Self Reflection leads to an honest evaluation of yourself which provides the opportunity to identify opportunities for adjustment to effectively communicate with others.
  • Doing Your Due Diligence often positions us as business owners to avoid falling short in business meetings because we are prepared and confident about what we are going to say and do. However, there may be times that you fall short in spite of preparing. During those times it is always best to quickly ask for forgiveness and receive forgiveness for yourself.
  • Coaches & Mentors: Whether you are a current/future female Christian business owner or a seasoned coach with years of experience. There is safety in a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 11:14 KJV). Everyone needs a coach or mentor to help them navigate through business and someone they can be accountable to. Event coaches need someone to mentor them or coach them to ensure continued development.