The Kingdompreneur Moment Live Show


Divine Connection Network Association provides The Kingdompreneur Moment Live Show as a platform for current and future female Kingdompreneurs to join together to enlarge God’s territory in the marketplace while enlarging their reach, influence, and profit margin with Faith Based Business Coaching, Training, Networking, and Promotional opportunities with a reach of 5 + million through email, newsletter, blog and magazine partners.

Doreen Lettsome Reid is the Founder of Divine Connection Network Association, Faith Based-Business Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Author, Poet, Radio Host, and host of The Kingdompreneur Moment Live Show.


Doreen Lettsome Reid
Present: The Kingdompreneur Moment Live Show
Powered By: Divine Connection Network Association 
  • Why is Confident Women Rise Anthology so important?
  • Why is Confident Women Rise Anthology so powerful?
  • How can you become a Confident Women Rise BEST SELLING AUTHOR?
JOIN Kingdompreneur Coach & Confident Woman Rise Visionary Author Doreen Lettsome Reid and Co-Author Robin Hughes, JoHanna D. Samuel, and Dr. Nichole Peters (Leaders Rising: The Confident Woman World Tour SPEAKER) discuss how to Unlock What’s Inside You, the Confident Woman, as you RISE to BOLDLY proclaim your FAITH in the world wide marketplace.

Show Video

  • TRUTH is the KEY to Unlock What’s Inside You, the Confident Woman.
  • The Ultimate Business Man, Jesus Christ said, “You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you free” John 8:32 KJV. But the question is do we really want to know the truth, face it, receive it, learn from it?
  • We are all unique; We all have VALUE; We all bring something to the table. Are you ready to RISE and sit at the table?

Confident Woman Incubator

Are you a C-Suite Woman, Influencer, Coach, Consultant, Wife, Mother, Woman?
Are you ready to INCREASE, INCREASE, INCREASE your Confidence as you continue to Serve?
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