Divine Connection Network Association

We CONNECT and COLLABORATE with you to assist in creating and launching YOUR IN-PERSON EVENT in your local area and/or virtual event and give you the opportunity to host Confident Women Rise: Wise Women Win Symposiums in your local area to increase your personal, professional, and business visibility, build brand credibility and get clientele through the door.

Create Your Own Event or Symposium Host


Confident Women Rise: Wise Women Win Symposiums Saturday, October 19 @6:00-8:00p.m. 142 N. Dargan St. Florence, SC

Attire semi formal to formal

JOIN US as we take a deep dive, exchange knowledge, and have a round table discussion about psychological incarceration due to domestic abuse which relates to heart disease; as we present research connecting psychological incarceration to entrepreneurship and its direct impact on your personal, professional, and business growth.

See psychological change in yourself and other women as you LEARN HOW TO:

  • Overcome Fear
  • Shatter Misconceptions
  • Increase Confidence
  • Profit by Faith in ALL THINGS BUSINESS!

VIP PRE-SHOW $55@ 5:00-6:00 p.m. $55 Includes:Unlock What’s Inside You TM Critical Thinking Moment with Dr. Doreen Lettsome Reid. Go on a SELF-DISCOVERY JOURNEY in Leaders Rising: The Confident Woman 21 Day Journal; a powerful guide to see psychological change in yourself and other women as you seek personal, professional, and business growth.

BONUS: Signed Journal (delivered at the event), reception, photo opt.

Standard Show $35 @ 6:00-8:00 p.m.: Access to the event, photo opt.